Friday, November 19, 2010

Day two in Marcy's mouth.

On Wednesday I finished treatment with Marcy. I can not believe that they are going to trust us with real patients in a month and a half! I am so not ready!!

Today we went through OHI again, did a sealant, and dedicated the rest of the time on scaling and using the ultra sonic. Time flew by for me. I'm sure you would get a different story if you talked to Marcy though. It is really hard to keep your mouth open for that long!

I hadn't got any scaling done on Monday so I had the whole mouth ahead of me when I started on Wednesday. I scaled my first quad and missed some calculus that was impossible to get off!! I used just about every instrument that I had trying to get that off, I'm not sure if it is all gone either. I was super slow again today and only got finished with her whole mouth because I used the ultra sonic on most of her mouth. Is that ok?? I'm not sure the about the rational of the ultra sonic.. when to use it, how much to use it, and that stuff. I did learn that on recession it is not a good thing to use! I sent Marcy through the roof!! I feel so bad!!

So, I didn't feel good about how things went on Wednesday either... I just wanted to move away to Mexico when I was finished..... I didn't though, I'm still here. I'm not sure how I feel about it though. I guess this stuff is supposed to get easier sometime... when is that going to be????

Not excited to try to do something that I don't know how to do again on Monday. Ugh.

Monday, November 15, 2010

mock hygienist day!

Yes, mock hygienist! That is how I felt about today. I am not a dental hygienist yet and it is going to be a long time until I am. I enjoyed going through the appt as it will be expected next semester, but I was super slow!! I took like and hour and a half to probe Marcy's mouth. I've never done a full mouth probe before and I am not looking forward to doing it again! The part that I struggle with the most is seeing the darn measurements!! I can visualize it, but reading the measurement is a struggle for me! My eyes get all blurred and I can't tell how many lines are showing on the probe. I felt like my face was in the machine that gets your perscription at the eye doctor. They keep asking if one or two or A or B is clearer and by the end I have no idea because my eyes are so tired and glazed over. Will I be able to see it and read it better with more practice?? What if it doesn't get easier for me to see it? I am scared!!

So, I don't feel good about today, but I feel better for doing it.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mock Patient... Take two

Today I was the patient again. Marcy scaled/ultrasonic'd my whole mouth today. I've got to admit I don't like the feeling of my lower lingual bar after it is cleaned, I like it smooth and slimy! ha ha.

Marcy did very well again! She found some calculus and removed it! She is very cool and composed about everything. I don't think I'll be able to stay as calm as she was about everything. It was fun to watch her use different instruments for different things. I'm excited to one day be able to have a preference and knowledge about when to use what!

She placed a sealant today too, which I love!! Bring those suckers on!

My mouth was open forever, but it is fun to be the patient for each other!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mock patient day!

Yesterday I was the patient all day. I got to wear street clothes which was very fun! Marcy was my hygienist and she did very well. It was good to see the real flow of things in the clinic. I learned that probing is going to take me forever!! This mock patient thing is a great help!! I can't wait for my turn next week.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Today was another one of those super busy days. I have a feeling that everyday is going to be like that from here on out. I worked with Kristie today and she placed two beautiful sealants like a pro!! (At the same time!) We started out rushed today because they knew that they were pressed for time in the morning clinic.

On Kristie I first did a HH review, then charted the HHx and HHxRx. This must be done before I even touch her mouth. And when I am writing the HHx in the chart today things were cleared up and we write no changes since the medications were entered into the chart, not since the last appt. Please remember that. After HHx and HHxRx we used the disclosing agent, used TB, TP, Sel Pol, and DF. Then we went through and found which teeth could be filled. I sealed probably the hardest place to see and reach in Kristie's mouth! I feel so bad! I totally beat her up today trying to look all the way back there. She didn't complain one bit either! I had to do it twice too!! That sucker better stay in!

It is good to do more than one thing in clinic so that we can start to understand the whole system, but man it is confusing and stressful, especially when there are so many students and so few teachers.