Saturday, March 31, 2012

It is getting closer!

2 more clinic sessions left!!! YIKES!!

This morning went great! I saw a 1A, got that requirement finished! Then finished my board patient, I am so glad I was able to finish her! Karlie Nichols helped a ton with cleaning and setting up my room! Thank You!!!

I had a lot of fun with my 1A! I wasn't rushed at all so we disclosed and talked a lot about how to keep his mouth clean. He was layed back and fun so we had an enjoyable time!

The afternoon was a whole different story! My patient whom has cancelled twice already this semester walks in and tells me that he can only stay an hour today. WHAT??? I was instantly pissed! And I am sure that everyone in clinic knew about it! ha ha I wear my emotions on my sleeve, baby! So I have been trying to get his 4 quads of a class III for like a month now and have wasted 3 clinic days on him so far and will yet waste another one when he comes back in to finish the rest of his mouth on the last day of clinic. If he doesn't come.... I will egg his house!

On a good note I passed off 3 PE's with him. Perry helped me with my curved ultrasonics and put into perspective how lame they are. ha ha. I only used it on like 2 teeth and then switched to the norm. One thing that he taught me was that I am not supposed to use the inside to instrument with. It is the side with the most power... however that is why you don't use it... never thought of that. Perry said it just causes more damage. I do not want to be damaging any sulci so I will not be using the inside of the ulrasonic anymore. I liked using my files in the monster of a pocket that this man has!

So after my "oh by the way I can only stay an hour" man left. Here I was with 2 hours of clinic time just a-wasting. Precious time that I needed to be using to get requirements done! Well, I had a pity me party for a minute. Called the husband and told him about my sorrows... then popped into action and went in search of someone to take a PANO on. I walked downstair and found the first person I saw and asked if they would like a free pano. I am so lucky! She was the nicest girl in the world!! Phew! A little bit of sweat, almost a tear, 15 bucks and another requirement almost finished. yay!

I have yet to get all my injections finished. I think it pretty much sucks that I am way behind on a requirement because my patient's haven't wanted to be numbed. How is this my fault? Answer: It is not. But what do we do? Jump through the hoops. My wonderful classmates are so great to offer their injections to me, which has been a blessing!

I am taking my National Written on Wednesday. I feel another whirlwind of a week coming on. YIKES!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Only 3 more clinic sessions left!!

Holy smokes! I can't believe it is almost over!

Yesterday I had a hurried morning and a chill afternoon. My pt that I scheduled 3 weeks ago cancelled the night before. So I replaced him with my bro in law and my board pt. Justin's appt went well, except that he was 15 mins late. Then I had my board pt come in. She was seated at like 9:50. I only got 1 quad done, but had some fabulous help from Kayla with charting or else I wouldn't have even gotten to scale. This time what I did was explore and only scale where I felt calculus, instead of attacking each tooth with the same amount of vigor. I liked this method! I missed a couple spots, but I knew they were there and were super hard to get off. So I felt good about knowing where the calculus was, instead of just guessing. I want to be a competent explorer and I hope I get there someday! I love my board pt!! She is the sweetest lady! She will come back next week to finish everything.

My afternoon was one quad of a class III. I thought I had 2 quads to do or else I would have tried to fill my afternoon.... I'm not going to lie though, it was pleasant surprise to be done so early yesterday! I am sad though because I think her mandibular bridge from canine to canine is going to fall off soon!! The teeth are all fractured and sad looking! Darn it! It frustrates me! If she knew and understood more about teeth earlier in life, I know her mouth would be in better shape. There should be dental hygiene courses in high school!! Wouldn't that be fantastic??!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Holy Smokes!! That crazy two days is come and gone!!!! I can't believe that this week, the week of spring break second semester, is over!! I have been looking forward to/dreading this week for 2 whole years!!!

They were way ahead of time!!! Good thing my patient was flexible! I used my peer pal again since everything went well with mockboards and she was so willing. The examiners were so great! I really appreciated how chill and helpful they were! I did my PSA just fine, but the IA was a different story! I can't remember now which one I did first, it is a bit of a blur. Ok but this is how the IA went. "Site of penetration", "I see", "Proceed." Hit bone right off!! I told them I hit bone and was going to pull out and try again.... Second attempt..."Site of penetration", "I see", "Proceed." Hit bone right off!! AGAIN!!! Now I am nervous. The sweet examiner lady says, remember you have 3 tries to get in. And tells me that I can set the syringe down and take a break for a minute. I totally took that advice! I recapped, shook off all the nerves, and right as I was about to pick up the syringe again... Dr. Hansen's voice jumped in my head saying, "if you hit bone on the IA, go higher!" So go higher I did and bingo it went in! ha ha the word "bingo" actually escaped my lips while penetrating. ha ha ha. PASS!!!

Dental Hygiene Clinical:
Holy smokes! Talk about a nervous girl! The first time I stuck the explorer in my patient's mouth I was shaking like crazy!!! I don't want to narrate the whole thing cause that will take me forever. Instead I will give suggestions for future dental hygiene students that I learned while doing it.

  • Don't stress about check in! The CE is so helpful and will get you all figured out.
  • Probing took me forever! Save at least a half hour to do probing, recession, and to get your patient back to the desk.
  • Don't pick a patient that has mal-postioned teeth. That was very difficult for me.
  • Keep tabs on the clock.
  • Have a plan of how you are going to clean.
  • Don't have your patient come an hour early or else you will be staring at each other for 55 minutes waiting for it to be your turn. Embarrassing!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A day of Radiography

Today I doubled my PA's. My sister in law came in for a full mouth minus the bitewings. I did them conventional and didn't need any retakes so I was feeling good! Next my board patient came in for her x-rays. I think I had to retake every one... more than once. It was horrible!!!!! She didn't know how to have x-rays taken and she spoke spanish so I couldn't explain it very well. They were horrible!!! I was going crazy! Finally Marilyn saved my life and took them beautifully. I have no idea how she did it! I was so frustrated!!!!! How can I suck so bad on x-rays and then someone else comes in and does a perfect job? I don't get it. It was a pretty big bummer!!!

In the afternoon I had a class V. Should be easy right?? I tired the new schick sensor for the first time and it didn't do very well either. On the bitewings it could not get the bone levels of each arch. LAME! So I took 2 PA's to get the bone level. She was great to work with and was very complimentary. I was still way slow though! I should be able to clean a 5 in an hour by now, shouldn't I? The good thing with her was that I was able to do N2O. I wasn't even planning on it so that was a good surprise.

All in all, today I feel like a pretty sucky hygienist. Someday I hope it changes.