Saturday, April 14, 2012

Last Thursday Clinic!!

Holy Smokes!!! The very last real clinic day of my life!!

I had a whole bunch of good stuff planned to do. 7 quads of a III. On Wednesday my morning patient cancelled. Shoot! I didn't have the will power to scramble to get someone so I left my morning open and planned to help out fellow students. That went well. I did help out and we didn't have CA so I really was helpful. Then in the middle of the morning guess who calls me??? My Afternoon patient! The one that has cancelled on my like 5 times this semester and Mr. I Can Only Stay For an Hour. Holy smokes! I was ticked!!!!!

Luckily I had a class IV scheduled for Friday or I would be short on my class threes. Lunch cheered me up too! It was a very good pot luck!!

I started helping out other students in the afternoon and then Amy found me a walk in. He was very talkative and fun. I was glad that I wouldn't have to sit in clinic ALL day accomplishing NOTHING. He was a class V. Nothing too exciting except for all his teeth are falling apart. He had a huge rock of an amalgam just rolling around in a tooth. I wanted to pull it out but he wouldn't let me.

It was a bit of an anti-climatic last day since I got so little done, but a good day as a whole.

Friday, April 6, 2012

2nd to the last day!!

In the morning I had my mom come in to help fulfill my PA requirement. I did a full mouth on her super quick so she could get back to work. No retakes might I add! Perry made a good point as he checked off my x-rays. If I had been taking them on my board patient I would have screwed up almost every one! Which is so true!! And already happened!! It was very nice to be relaxed and to just get the job done!

I had a very fun walk in after my mom. She was Spanish speaking and very kind! Easy Class V. She was teaching me Spanish though, which was very fun! She told me that if I went to Guatemala for 1 month I could learn Spanish. I want to do it so bad!!! She taught me... "le duele?" "No, no me duele" Which means did that hurt/did I hurt you? No, you didn't hurt me. She also taught me how to say Mueve a la isquiera and mueve a la derecha. Which means move to the left, and move to the right. She was a lot of fun!

In the afternoon I cruized through 2 more class V patient. One I had seen before. This couple is amazing!!! He is 81 and she is 76 and they are my idols!! So very nice! So very complimentary! They have lived amazing lives of service! I want to be like them when I am 80!!!