Thursday, January 26, 2012

Week #4 of 15!

I am too stressed and worried about the Weber Human Services Service Project that I am planning tomorrow to think about blogging much.

I did learn something golden today... If you can only feel the calculus one way (up) then it is probably CEJ. If you can feel it from both directions (up and down) it is probably calculus! Such wonderful advice from J Wold.

Idiot moment of the day.... I put Arestin in the wrong pocket! ha ha I'm a dummy!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Week #3 of 15... MOCKBOARD!!

Today was mockboard #2. I had a little bit of PTSD from last time.
Luckily Karen found me a mockboard that qualified and was great!! Thank You KAREN! The only problem was that we found her at the very last minute at the screening so I had to take x-rays on the day of. Which made me in a huge hurry again. Darn it! Luckily I was like 2 minutes late and Mr. Solomon let me squeak by. :)
As far as cleaning.... 2 hours looking at one quad is much too long!! I lasted like 1:15. It is great that we have that long... but I can't look at 9 teeth that long! I sure get frustrated that I don't always know what calculus feels like. Being the student examiner is a great practice, but we rarely feel exactly the same thing as the instructor. This really gets me mad!! ha ha. How will I ever know??

Anyhoo.... waiting for my pt to come back from the examiners at scale check was the longest 20 minutes of my life!! I kept thinking that she was going to bring me back a sticky with 18 spots of missed calculus again!! Yikes I was freaking out! I only missed 2 spots! WAHOO!! I passed!

So glad that day is over!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Week #2 of 15

Today was a day of crushed dreams!

My FM class IV was really a class V.... darn! She was classified last semester and when I saw her again today it was clear that she was not a true class IV. I had to suck it up and get over it.... I am still working on getting over it.

It was a good appointment in that I used my gracey's almost the whole time. I have never used them so much in one appt. I really liked using them too! Surprise, surprise! I worked slow and took my time. I enjoyed the appointment a lot! I like being able to slow down and not stress and pay attention to detail.

I saw some things that I haven't seen before. She had greyish blackish smudge looking things just under the gingiva on a couple of teeth. I talked to Perry about it and he said, try taking it off, if you feel that you are in the right place and nothing is coming off, then move on. So that is what I did. A lot of it stayed and some come off.

I had to instrument a ton on root surface today which was also new. It is weird when the tooth is so skinny!!

My afternoon patient is a gem! I really liked her!!
UNFORTUNATELY.... she had a cold sore :( Pt was dismissed. Sad Day!!

So what did I learn today? Some gracey technique and root debridement technique.

It is sucky feeling behind on quads...........

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Week #1 of 15

First blog post of the last semester of my life... maybe. :)
  • I wanted to start out kinda easy so I had my brother come in today. I was pretty scared about starting up again. I did a really good job of planning out the appointment though so I wasn't too scatter-brained. I passed off the Velscope PE as well as the Caries Risk Assessment PE. Woo! 2 PE's on the first day of clinic!
  • For the Velscope PE Prof. Perry helped me to remember the major areas of the mouth for oral cancer. #1 Posterior Lateral borders of the tongue and #2 floor of the mouth. All of the other areas tie for 3rd such as buccal mucosa, tonsilar pillars, vestibule. Good thing to know!
  • As I was cleaning my brother Prof. P also taught me a new place to set my gauze and how to wipe it to save time. Place it on the neck and use my middle or fulcrum finger to wipe the face of the instrument, not the tip!
  • 20 minutes for probing is TOO long!! Dern!!
  • The papers go in the chart... white, green, blue!! Am I color blind?? NOPE!
  • I started my eaglesoft pt today... I hope that she shows up next time I schedule her so I can really use her for it!
  • My afternoon pt cancelled this morning so I puttered during afternoon clinic... this better not happen very much more often!!
  • The End