The last clinic session of my first year! I can't believe it! It has gone by so fast!
I had a lot to do today! I had to finish 2 quads on my friend and then 3 quads on my husband. And I was supposed to take a PANO on my husband as well. I totally forgot about the pano! ha ha I had to have him come back after lunch so that I could do it.
Today was fun to have 2 1B patients back to back with so much scaling. They were just so different it was really interesting! My first patient had very smooth teeth and as explored I would feel the calculus chunk and then go back and activate over it and then the tooth would all be smooth. My husband on the other hand has very rough teeth! It is hard to decide what it calculus and what is just rough tooth, cause it never felt smooth. Pretty fun to have such different patients! I used the ultrasonic for my husband's complete mouth, then went over with the scalers. I can't decide if I liked it much. It took quite a while! I bet after I get my own technique down, it will go faster.
Well today was great! Isn't my hubby a cutie????
Wow, what a great picture. Who took that? A professional? JK. Fabulous job Karlie.