Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A day of Weeks's and a gift from Heaven!

So day my life was being saved by the Weeks family. I planned to see my bro-in-law in the morning and then my sweet 3 year old niece in the afternoon.
So my AM pt had to be gone at 9:15-9:30. I was actually way excited about that because it would push me to get a 1B done in a little over an hour... which I have never done before. He had to fill out a new HH, darn, which took time that I could barely spare. We were hoping to do x-rays, but ran out of time, darn! But anyways.... It was a good experience I did get him walked out by 9:30. I think that if I didn't have to spend so much time on HH, scale checks, probing, and computer paper work then I would have had time to spare to do BXW's. Someday I will be faster! ha ha.
I used the ultrasonic on the mandible and only hand scaled the maxillary arch... I think that with an easy pt like that the ultrasonic makes me take more time because I always go back and check with my scaler. I am still trying to get in the groove with my ultrasonic.

My gift from Heaven came in the middle of my AM appt. Dr. Hanson walked over and says to me, "you are going to be done soon right? And I said yep and that he has to leave at 9:30. She says good cause there is a pt waiting in the waiting room that would like to get her teeth cleaned we think she is a "three or a four". Well Heck YA I'll see her!!!! So I get my first pt out and get the next pt in and guess what?! FULL mouth CLASS 4!!! Wahoo!! She is super nice too! The only english she knows is "my name is Amelia". ha ha. So fun!! I had a translator for a lot of the appt which was great! I only got the OD done, but I am satisfied with that. The best part of her appt was when I was getting ready to walk her out and she asked me to teach her how to brush her teeth!!! She seriously asked me to show her!! Best pt EVER!! We talked for a while about it and I gave her some auxiliary (I feel like this word should be spelled axillary, but I keep seeing is spelt the other way.) aids to help her out. I can not wait to see her again!!!

Then my afternoon was just amazing!! My niece did great!!! Never complained! Let me do whatever I wanted!! Perfect perfect!! It was a good day today!!

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