I was teaching a tumbling class tonight of kids of various ages. I was spotting this one girl and looked at her teeth and they all looked really small for how big she was. So I asked her how old she was and she is 7. Then I asked her a question I already knew the answer to. She has lost no teeth and is 7 years old!!! Weird! She looks super cute cause her little teeth are all perfect instead of the crazy mouth that you usually see in a 7 year old. But that made me nervous for her! I sure hope she is seeing a dentist regularly! What if she has no permanent teeth?? I would be so sad!!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Kinda weird...
So, this didn't happen in clinic, but this is proof I've got dental hygiene brain 24/7.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
A day of Weeks's and a gift from Heaven!
So day my life was being saved by the Weeks family. I planned to see my bro-in-law in the morning and then my sweet 3 year old niece in the afternoon.
So my AM pt had to be gone at 9:15-9:30. I was actually way excited about that because it would push me to get a 1B done in a little over an hour... which I have never done before. He had to fill out a new HH, darn, which took time that I could barely spare. We were hoping to do x-rays, but ran out of time, darn! But anyways.... It was a good experience I did get him walked out by 9:30. I think that if I didn't have to spend so much time on HH, scale checks, probing, and computer paper work then I would have had time to spare to do BXW's. Someday I will be faster! ha ha.
I used the ultrasonic on the mandible and only hand scaled the maxillary arch... I think that with an easy pt like that the ultrasonic makes me take more time because I always go back and check with my scaler. I am still trying to get in the groove with my ultrasonic.
My gift from Heaven came in the middle of my AM appt. Dr. Hanson walked over and says to me, "you are going to be done soon right? And I said yep and that he has to leave at 9:30. She says good cause there is a pt waiting in the waiting room that would like to get her teeth cleaned we think she is a "three or a four". Well Heck YA I'll see her!!!! So I get my first pt out and get the next pt in and guess what?! FULL mouth CLASS 4!!! Wahoo!! She is super nice too! The only english she knows is "my name is Amelia". ha ha. So fun!! I had a translator for a lot of the appt which was great! I only got the OD done, but I am satisfied with that. The best part of her appt was when I was getting ready to walk her out and she asked me to teach her how to brush her teeth!!! She seriously asked me to show her!! Best pt EVER!! We talked for a while about it and I gave her some auxiliary (I feel like this word should be spelled axillary, but I keep seeing is spelt the other way.) aids to help her out. I can not wait to see her again!!!
Then my afternoon was just amazing!! My niece did great!!! Never complained! Let me do whatever I wanted!! Perfect perfect!! It was a good day today!!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
What does the VA mean to you???
I will tell you what the VA means to me.... Old men with fuzzy teeth!! ha ha I feel like this is all I get there. Plaque, plaque, plaque!!! Yuck, yuck, yuck!! Don't get me wrong, I have not had a patient there that I didn't have a blast with! I don't know why but I really love working there. My question is, Why don't they care that they have fuzz all over their teeth? I know you can feel it, taste it, and see it. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to slide your teeth across minty fresh brushed and flossed pearly whites??? I sure think it is! If I was the daughter of one of these men I would call my dad every morning and night to remind him to brush his teeth! LIFE IS BETTER WITH CLEAN TEETH!!!
Ok, maybe we can get into some reflection of the actually cleaning. I still don't love the ultrasonic, but it is handy to help remove plaque. I still need to remember to shove the tip all the way into the pocket.
My patients weren't too tough. The biggest thing I had to work around was personalities. ha ha but I enjoy that!
My PM patient kept hitting on me and grabbed me into a big hug when I called him out the waiting room... kinda yucky! But he kinda stopped by the end of the appt.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
What? My patient cancelled??
So last week my afternoon patient cancelled and since I had already done the OD I had to get her back in so I scheduled her for my am patient. 8 0'clock rolls around, no pt. 8:15 rolls around, no pt and no answer on her cell. 8:16 rolls around and Karen lets me know that she called in and will not be coming. WHAT?!! I was not having that again! I called her right up and convinced her to come. haha.. I am so glad that she lives so close to the school!
Since I only had to scale I had a lot of extra time which I loved! I was able to talk to her a lot about what is going on in her mouth. We talked about perio, brushing, flossing, dry mouth, caries, bruxing, and how to take care of some huge fractured teeth with an end tuft brush and maybe a syringe. I know that sounds like a lot... but I know she understood and was grateful for the instruction. I felt like a pretty good teacher, it was fun! I like it when we can talk more during the appointments.
My afternoon patient was my miracle 3 found by Brooke. I really enjoyed cleaning his teeth too! I am learning so much about how to get angles right and how to ultrasonic correctly and how to use graceys it is wonderful! So the coolest thing happened! I missed the mesial of 18 and distal of 19... which wasn't the cool part. The cool part was when Dr. Hanson showed me that you can get the right angles by going to 12 o-clock and doing the "V- of the hand grasp". That was so much easier than reaching over and not being able to see it very well. I was so impressed when she had me move there! I hope I never forget that one! It was really fun to work in deeper pockets too! I was so worn out by the end of the day though! My fingers were about to fall off! One thing I know that I need to work on with harder patients is to make sure that the ultrasonic gets all the way down into the pockets. I am starting to like that thing... sort of. ha ha.
It felt like a very productive day! Dr. Hanson said she was impressed and could tell that I have been getting better, I finished both patients on time, got 2 PE's done, and finished my 3! Woo!
I like this cleaning teeth thing! :)
Monday, November 7, 2011
Lessons learned at the VA
So the VA was stupendous this week!! I loved it! I have been so lucky not to have any raunchy patients! I totally loved both my patients today! One thing that I am so excited about for when I actually work in an office are all the great friends that I am going to have! I would love to see my hilarious afternoon patient every 4 months!! I am excited about the future relationships made in the dental chair!
I did have a few great "ah ha" moments today!
#1 When your patient had nasty breath and brown coated tongue..... TALK ABOUT TONGUE BRUSHING!!! I had a nasty in the morning! McConaughy even gave me props for being able to stay in his mouth for that long! When patients have that nasty brown tongue I bet their mouths never ever feel or taste clean. How could they? That is actually quite sad!! I can not believe that I did not address tongue brushing with that patient! Slap my wrists someone!
#2 Talk quieter when you say dumb things like "potty break" to your 45 year old patient! You never know who is within hearing distance and who will rat you on her blog! ha ha ha. I was kicking myself the whole time he was in the bathroom about saying potty break!!! I am such a nerd!
#3 I guess I only had 2 "ah ha" moments. :)
I am liking the VA more and more. It is a bit weird with all the regulations and stuff... but those worries are paled by trying to communicate in Spanish with patients at WSU.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Halloween Party
Hey ladies!
I just thought I would pass on that Dr. Hanson said that our Halloween party was they best one she's been to!! Thank you everyone for all your help in making our party so fun!! I loved it!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
"Someone took all my money" and "Oh! I forgot to call you!"
Words of both of today's cancellations! Dern it!!
AM: She said someone took all her money. I think this was a legit excuse too. She kept going on and on about it on the phone with me. I would freak if the bank called me and told me all my money was gone!
So I took MeChel's blood glucose and and did the Diagnodent on her as well. 2 PE's. Not bad.
PM: "Oh I forgot to call you!" Pah! It just so happens I found a great patient in your absence!
Well I should rephrase that... Brooke found me an amazing patient instead. Class 3 baby! Woo! I love it when patients fall asleep when I am probing, it totally makes me feel like I am doing a good job since they aren't going through the roof! But I think that my posture sucked partly because he was sleeping and not keeping his head in the right place. I timed my probing and today it took me 30 minutes! Where does the time go? It was harder though cause I had 3rd molars and deep pockets that I am not used to. But still. I need to pick up the pace. I didn't get to clean him today since he got there late and left early because Brooke finished much faster than I did. Just doing an OD at an appointment totally sucks though! If I had another hour though, I bet I would have gotten a couple quads done... maybe just one.
Anyways, today was pretty good, despite the disappointment.
Reschedule the no shows? or not?
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Advantages of being a TA
So today the juniors went over air powder polish, selective polish, and fluoride varnish. Being a TA has helped me out a lot! It is so good to go over stuff that we learned a year ago to remember the strategies and techniques once learned and forgotten.
I don't know if I would ever pull out the air powder polisher again if I had not had the opportunity to go over it again in junior clinic. Professor Costley asked me to grab all the stuff for it, powder, tips, bonnets, and such.... I had no idea where it all was. I do now though! We also had to trouble shoot a lot to get the darn things working! Doing that gives me so much more confidence to pull one out by myself and get it going. We ran into a lot of different problems and could fix most of them after a little bit of tinkering. I still don't like the thing... but I would feel more confident using one now.
As far as things learned from teaching to use the hand piece and prophy angle... I just learned that I have actually learned how to use it. ha ha. One thing that I am going to start trying is holding the paste in my other hand while I polish so that it doesn't take so long to get more paste. A lot of the juniors do that.
I didn't really have any "ah-ha" moments from fluoride varnish, except that when Costley introduced it she said that in junior clinic we place it on all surfaces of the teeth, and in senior clinic we only do it on the buccal... I was never told that. ha ha. Or was not listening when we were told that. Does everyone only place it on the buccal? Why not put it everywhere?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
A day of cancels turned into a positive day.
So my afternoon patient cancelled the night before, and when I came into clinic today I realized that Stef had the same patient scheduled for the morning. FART! I pretty much wanted to cry.
All was made amends though. My husband came in this morning and one of the translators called my mockboard patient and she was able to come in the morning.
It was great to get back to cleaning a 1B this morning. I felt like I made pretty good time. I also used the ultrasonic and actually liked it! Weird! I need to get that fellow flossing!!
I was very nervous about bringing back my mockboard patient today! I totally bombed the mockboard and had no idea I was doing so bad until I got that blasted sticky back. I was excited in a way as well though, because I knew how much calculus she had and wanted to get it all off.
I asked for some help from Prof. Alexander and she was so great to sit with me and make sure I knew what I was feeling and could get it off. I struggle at exploring, but felt tons better about it by the end of the appointment. I think that I lay my explorer down too much and do not feel with the tip enough. I better get better at this quick!
I got a lot of help with instrumentation as well! I am starting to figure out the graceys's which is exciting! With instrumentation my biggest problem was my activation stroke. I keep pulling the toe out. I teach first years how not to do that every Wednesday and here I am guilty as charged! I was able to watch Pro. Alexander instrument and learned a lot. When will I know all the tricks? I do not know, but I am excited to know that there are tricks!
This lady had some really hard calculus to get off! I was sticking everything I could up there and still struggled.
I feel accomplished that I finished her!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Class II's
A day of class II's. Lots of blood with reports of excellent home care. Both of my patients said they brush 2 times a day and floss daily... then where is the bone loss, deep pockets, calculus, and BLOOD coming from? This was the predicament of the day. I approached my instructor about it and we decided that there is no way that they are really doing that well in their home care. So what do you do about that?? Well my strategy for next time will be to ask them to show me how they are flossing and brushing. I will say maybe there is something that we can fix to get a better result. And then I will teach them how to do it correctly. My instructor said that when you keep at them like that they usually confess their sins of not really flossing everyday. I am glad that there isn't some crazy phenomenon of excellent home care accompanied by extensive bleeding. Slippery little guys, aren't they? They had me worried!
Both my patients needed anesthetic. I am super excited to be the one to do the injections!!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
My first recare appt.
So today I saw my first patient twice. Does that make sense? ha ha. For the first time today, I cleaned a mouth that I cleaned last semester. Some things made me really happy about it, and others a little sad.
He got some dental work done!! WOO!! He had class 5 caries along a bunch of his max anteriors... now he has some class 5 caries along his max anteriors. So that is bitter sweet. He got some work done... but he still needs more work. Maybe he can't pay for it all to be fixed... maybe they are arrested caries now so there is no problem besides esthetics.... I don't know the reason, but I would feel horrible as a dentist letting my patient go after only fixing part of the problem.
I don't really think his home care has improved. Which makes me sad cause we talked about that a lot! I introduced him to the little hand held flossers and he really seemed to like them and I thought he was going to start using them. Oh wells.
Ending on a good note... I finished him in one appt! ha ha which is way better than the 2 or 3 appts he had last semester!!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
My last first year clinc day!! WAHOO!!!
The last clinic session of my first year! I can't believe it! It has gone by so fast!
I had a lot to do today! I had to finish 2 quads on my friend and then 3 quads on my husband. And I was supposed to take a PANO on my husband as well. I totally forgot about the pano! ha ha I had to have him come back after lunch so that I could do it.
Today was fun to have 2 1B patients back to back with so much scaling. They were just so different it was really interesting! My first patient had very smooth teeth and as explored I would feel the calculus chunk and then go back and activate over it and then the tooth would all be smooth. My husband on the other hand has very rough teeth! It is hard to decide what it calculus and what is just rough tooth, cause it never felt smooth. Pretty fun to have such different patients! I used the ultrasonic for my husband's complete mouth, then went over with the scalers. I can't decide if I liked it much. It took quite a while! I bet after I get my own technique down, it will go faster.
Well today was great! Isn't my hubby a cutie????
Monday, April 11, 2011
Class III completed!!
All four quads in one appointment!!
Today was great!! I was freaked cause i had to scale all 4 quads and I knew that I didn't have any more clinic days to schedule her for and she wouldn't be able to come back anyways. I finished and life is good! Instructor Demings taught me how to use the ulrasonic for real! ha ha. I didn't really know how to use it before, but she was great to help me with my technique. Clinic is rough when you have so much to do and when instructors are super busy helping everyone! We had to wait a few times for our instructor to come over. But it did give my patient some time to rest and sit up so that wasn't horrible. I got 3 PE's done! Way good!!
I had a lot of fun today and am happy with how the day went! One more clinic day left! woo woo!
Today was great!! I was freaked cause i had to scale all 4 quads and I knew that I didn't have any more clinic days to schedule her for and she wouldn't be able to come back anyways. I finished and life is good! Instructor Demings taught me how to use the ulrasonic for real! ha ha. I didn't really know how to use it before, but she was great to help me with my technique. Clinic is rough when you have so much to do and when instructors are super busy helping everyone! We had to wait a few times for our instructor to come over. But it did give my patient some time to rest and sit up so that wasn't horrible. I got 3 PE's done! Way good!!
I had a lot of fun today and am happy with how the day went! One more clinic day left! woo woo!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Holy 3 kids in one appt! CRAZY!!
I had a major challenge ahead of me today! I had my nephew who is 7, and 2 nieces that are 4 and 2. I tried to have everything ready so that transitions would be easy. Somehow though, every time I have a really good plan, nothing goes as planned. Starting with my sister-in-law being 30 minutes late. ha ha. The 4 yr old was so great for me! She opened great and stayed still for the whole time. She was so cute trying to bite on the x-ray tab!!! I loved it! The 7 yr old and 2 yr old were a different story!! ha ha. The fact that they were family members probably made things a lot harder! He wouldn't sit still and acted scared a lot of the time.
It was a very good thing for me to go through though! I think that there is no way to plan out perfectly how a pedo appointment will go. I think you probably just have to go with the punches. Over all... super stressful and super crazy!! but good :)
It was a very good thing for me to go through though! I think that there is no way to plan out perfectly how a pedo appointment will go. I think you probably just have to go with the punches. Over all... super stressful and super crazy!! but good :)
Monday, April 4, 2011
Class III FOUND!!!
I found my class III. I have be praying that the woman that I had coming in would be a class III! I had planned on doing everything as fast as possible and make it to scaling for this first appt. However, like always I did not make it as far as I had hoped. I only barely got through the OD. She had to leave 15 minutes early because her ride was there to pick her up. So I guess I might have gotten to scaling had I been able to keep her the whole time.
It was great for me to be able to see bone loss on the radiographs as well as radiographic calculus. She was also my first patient that is a smoker. I was reminded about what to talk to her about during OHI that had to to with smoking.
I found my class III. I have be praying that the woman that I had coming in would be a class III! I had planned on doing everything as fast as possible and make it to scaling for this first appt. However, like always I did not make it as far as I had hoped. I only barely got through the OD. She had to leave 15 minutes early because her ride was there to pick her up. So I guess I might have gotten to scaling had I been able to keep her the whole time.
It was great for me to be able to see bone loss on the radiographs as well as radiographic calculus. She was also my first patient that is a smoker. I was reminded about what to talk to her about during OHI that had to to with smoking.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Two patients in one day again!
Today my plan was to finish Halli and to start scaling on Morgen.
I did not get Halli finished. She had to leave at 9:20 and I only got half her mouth done. I should be able to do this quicker by now!! She did have a wicked lingual bar that was caked with calculus though! How do I get faster at this?? I do not know! I don't feel like I totally understand how to do the ultrasonic so I use that very seldomly... maybe I need to get better at that.
On Morgen I scaled a quad and passed off the diagnodent PE. Woopee!! I didn't miss any spots on Morgen. YAY!! He is great to let me work on him in so many appts!! I did change something in my instrumentation that I think is going to help me. After watching instructor Caldwell I am trying to do more vertical strokes instead of oblique strokes. I feel like this is going to help out my grasp a lot!! Vertical strokes and keeping the instrument parellel to the long axis of the tooth is going to be my next goal. I think it will help me a lot!
I did not get Halli finished. She had to leave at 9:20 and I only got half her mouth done. I should be able to do this quicker by now!! She did have a wicked lingual bar that was caked with calculus though! How do I get faster at this?? I do not know! I don't feel like I totally understand how to do the ultrasonic so I use that very seldomly... maybe I need to get better at that.
On Morgen I scaled a quad and passed off the diagnodent PE. Woopee!! I didn't miss any spots on Morgen. YAY!! He is great to let me work on him in so many appts!! I did change something in my instrumentation that I think is going to help me. After watching instructor Caldwell I am trying to do more vertical strokes instead of oblique strokes. I feel like this is going to help out my grasp a lot!! Vertical strokes and keeping the instrument parellel to the long axis of the tooth is going to be my next goal. I think it will help me a lot!
Two in one day
Today I saw my friend and my husband.
I finished scaling on friend and got done early as planned... except I hoped to do a sealant on him but the dentist said it may be decayed. So no sealant for me. SHOOT!! I took a BXW of it so he can show it to his dentist. I also did something dumb, even though it was an accident. As I was flossing his lower lingual bar some of the cement came off! Goll darn it!! He was like uh oh, I think something just happened. So he has to go and get that fixed at his dentist too. Sheesh that appt did not work out as planned!!
Morgen came in next and was an amazing patient!! He has a billion teeth that can use sealants. I sealed 2 of them and passed off the air powder polish and sealant PE's on him. What are husbands for right?? I still need some work holding the high speed suction! I almost sucked his lip right off!!
Things to work on. GRASP. GO FASTER!! I just wish an appointment would go the way that I have it planned out in my head.
I finished scaling on friend and got done early as planned... except I hoped to do a sealant on him but the dentist said it may be decayed. So no sealant for me. SHOOT!! I took a BXW of it so he can show it to his dentist. I also did something dumb, even though it was an accident. As I was flossing his lower lingual bar some of the cement came off! Goll darn it!! He was like uh oh, I think something just happened. So he has to go and get that fixed at his dentist too. Sheesh that appt did not work out as planned!!
Morgen came in next and was an amazing patient!! He has a billion teeth that can use sealants. I sealed 2 of them and passed off the air powder polish and sealant PE's on him. What are husbands for right?? I still need some work holding the high speed suction! I almost sucked his lip right off!!
Things to work on. GRASP. GO FASTER!! I just wish an appointment would go the way that I have it planned out in my head.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
One Freaking Appt for a 1 freaking B!!!
This will be my first time completing a 1B in one appointment!!
My goal was to take 4 BWX, 4 Anterior PA's, 2 Sealants, and all 4 quads scaled.
I didn't quite get my goal, but I am still happy about the appointment. My little sister skipped school to come in and see me! I wanted to do some sealants on her so that I could pass off my air-powder polish PE and sealant PE. That did not happen. I did get the x-rays done and got her finished in one day. WAY GOOD!!
What did I learn? Scaling really doesn't take that long. Using the Ultrasonic all over and then scaling is way nice! I can't talk and work. (I kept starting to tell her something and then I'd get distracted and stop mid sentence) It is really hard to switch units after you are comfortable with one! It is possible to finish in one appointment!
What I need to work on... Adaption. Holding the instrument right. Charting restorations. x-rays. Body temperature control!! (I was so HOT!!)
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
It is great to finish a patient!
I finished my patient today. My goal was to have her done early and to pass off a PE if I could. I only had 2 more quads left to do. I did finish a little bit early and passed off 2 PE's. Sweet!
I worked really hard to fix my grasp today. Last clinic Instructor Hafen noticed that I hold my instrument wrong! What a disaster! I am holding it with my middle finger instead of my pointer finger. When I concentrate and use the right fingers it feels kind of awkward, but I can see the benefits of it. I will continue to work on that.
Another problem that I have is finding where to put my fulcrum to get a good solid base so that I can use some real hard lateral pressure. I don't quite have that figured out yet.
My major problem is my slowness... and I will continue to work on that too!
All in all, I felt good about my appointment today. She told me that she felt that I did a good job, which makes me feel way good!!
Next appt I have I will continue to work on grasp, speed, and fulcrum. SPEED SPEED SPEED!!!
I worked really hard to fix my grasp today. Last clinic Instructor Hafen noticed that I hold my instrument wrong! What a disaster! I am holding it with my middle finger instead of my pointer finger. When I concentrate and use the right fingers it feels kind of awkward, but I can see the benefits of it. I will continue to work on that.
Another problem that I have is finding where to put my fulcrum to get a good solid base so that I can use some real hard lateral pressure. I don't quite have that figured out yet.
My major problem is my slowness... and I will continue to work on that too!
All in all, I felt good about my appointment today. She told me that she felt that I did a good job, which makes me feel way good!!
Next appt I have I will continue to work on grasp, speed, and fulcrum. SPEED SPEED SPEED!!!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Almost one appt. :(
Today my goal was to finish a 1B in one appt. I was so pumped cause I knew my patient and thought things would just get done fast! Boy was I wrong! I totally messed up on his BP and that took a lot of time to do again. That is really a dumb thing to waste so much time on.
My goal was to finish him, but I only got 3 quads done. What a bummer! I need to be faster! I have been talking to the girls about how to get faster and I hope I can figure it out. My patient was a great help in the clinic though. He knows Spanish so he was able to help to translate for another patient. I thought that was awesome!
What I want to do is take a scaler, feel calculus, and only do strokes that remove it. No fishing around. I want to locate it, and remove it. Quick and clean and then move on! I also need to start memorizing probe depths so I can write more than one tooth at time. Today I did a couple teeth at time sometimes, but I get nervous and start only doing one tooth. It is getting easier for me though!
My goal was to finish him, but I only got 3 quads done. What a bummer! I need to be faster! I have been talking to the girls about how to get faster and I hope I can figure it out. My patient was a great help in the clinic though. He knows Spanish so he was able to help to translate for another patient. I thought that was awesome!
What I want to do is take a scaler, feel calculus, and only do strokes that remove it. No fishing around. I want to locate it, and remove it. Quick and clean and then move on! I also need to start memorizing probe depths so I can write more than one tooth at time. Today I did a couple teeth at time sometimes, but I get nervous and start only doing one tooth. It is getting easier for me though!
Monday, February 28, 2011
And she has to come back AGAIN!!!
Holy Smokes!!
My goal for the day was to finish scaling Paola. She is half class I and have class II. This should have been done this appointment! I wanted to quickly do OHI since we did a lot of it last Wednesday and then scale away. I seriously don't know where all the time goes! One quadrant took me 45 minutes! That is not ok! The worst part is that I do not know how to go faster. I am hand scaling and don't really use my Ultrasonic. Maybe I should use that more. I just feel better about it and more confident when I am hand scaling.
I did learn something today though. Professor Costley was helping me scale and noticed that where I was scaling there was a 5 mm pocket. That means that my scaler should be up that far! Duh! Ha ha what a simple thing that just hasn't clicked until now.
I also heard her telling someone else that when I am scaling I should be making every stroke for a reason, not just scraping back and forth.
She also taught me an extra oral fulcrum that is going to be great to use!
I was pretty frustrated about today. Somehow I need to get faster!!!
My goal for the day was to finish scaling Paola. She is half class I and have class II. This should have been done this appointment! I wanted to quickly do OHI since we did a lot of it last Wednesday and then scale away. I seriously don't know where all the time goes! One quadrant took me 45 minutes! That is not ok! The worst part is that I do not know how to go faster. I am hand scaling and don't really use my Ultrasonic. Maybe I should use that more. I just feel better about it and more confident when I am hand scaling.
I did learn something today though. Professor Costley was helping me scale and noticed that where I was scaling there was a 5 mm pocket. That means that my scaler should be up that far! Duh! Ha ha what a simple thing that just hasn't clicked until now.
I also heard her telling someone else that when I am scaling I should be making every stroke for a reason, not just scraping back and forth.
She also taught me an extra oral fulcrum that is going to be great to use!
I was pretty frustrated about today. Somehow I need to get faster!!!
Friday, February 25, 2011
X-rays take a long time!
This time I had another new patient that I have never met before. I wasn't able to look at her chart before hand either. That is always nerve racking!
My goal for the day was to be able to start scaling and get as much done as possible. I wanted to work fast! I feel like my OD is getting faster which makes me feel really good! When I got to look in her chart I saw that she hadn't gotten x-rays for over a year. Good and bad thing for me. I got to take a set of BWX and a PA, however that takes up a lot of time!! I did conventional for the first time on a clinic day. Those day light loaders take a lot of time!! And waiting for 10 films to process takes forever!! So needless to say, I didn't make my goal. I only had time to get through OHI. I felt like it was a really good thing for her though! She said the previous hygienist didn't use the disclosing agent and she seemed to like it! I was also really happy because when we brushed the plaque came off really easily and I was able to teach her how to angle her toothbrush. She kind of had a hard time with it at first, but I can tell she understood why she needs to do that.
I will hopefully see her again soon. I think I'll be able to kick out all 4 quads pretty quick. She doesn't seem to have too much calculus and I'm betting it won't be super hard.
Next time I take x-rays I need to figure out how to shave time off!! I can't imagine doing a FMX with conventional. That would take 2 hours!!
All in all, I liked working with my patient. She was very nice!
My goal for the day was to be able to start scaling and get as much done as possible. I wanted to work fast! I feel like my OD is getting faster which makes me feel really good! When I got to look in her chart I saw that she hadn't gotten x-rays for over a year. Good and bad thing for me. I got to take a set of BWX and a PA, however that takes up a lot of time!! I did conventional for the first time on a clinic day. Those day light loaders take a lot of time!! And waiting for 10 films to process takes forever!! So needless to say, I didn't make my goal. I only had time to get through OHI. I felt like it was a really good thing for her though! She said the previous hygienist didn't use the disclosing agent and she seemed to like it! I was also really happy because when we brushed the plaque came off really easily and I was able to teach her how to angle her toothbrush. She kind of had a hard time with it at first, but I can tell she understood why she needs to do that.
I will hopefully see her again soon. I think I'll be able to kick out all 4 quads pretty quick. She doesn't seem to have too much calculus and I'm betting it won't be super hard.
Next time I take x-rays I need to figure out how to shave time off!! I can't imagine doing a FMX with conventional. That would take 2 hours!!
All in all, I liked working with my patient. She was very nice!
Monday, February 14, 2011
4 quads in 1 appt!!
So today I finished the patient that my peer pal gave me.
My goal was to finish him and I totally did it!! So excited!! The best part was that he told me that he had been flossing since our last appt! That made me so happy! And his PFI improved so so much! I felt like what I told him at the last appt really sunk it!
Vining helped me a lot his appt. It is crazy how such little things (secrets) makes things so much easier! If you can't see the maxillary molars... switch chair positions!
He is such a nice guy! And I'm so excited that he has a dentist appt in few weeks! He really needs it cause he's got a lot of cervical caries. I can't wait to see how his mouth changes next time I see him.
My goal was to finish him and I totally did it!! So excited!! The best part was that he told me that he had been flossing since our last appt! That made me so happy! And his PFI improved so so much! I felt like what I told him at the last appt really sunk it!
Vining helped me a lot his appt. It is crazy how such little things (secrets) makes things so much easier! If you can't see the maxillary molars... switch chair positions!
He is such a nice guy! And I'm so excited that he has a dentist appt in few weeks! He really needs it cause he's got a lot of cervical caries. I can't wait to see how his mouth changes next time I see him.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Thank you Karlie! (Cline)
My patient today was given to me by my peer pal, Karlie Cline. He's a class 5 and she didn't have time to clean him. He is a super nice man! Easy going, very cooperative and complimentary! I enjoyed seeing him today.
I didn't know what to expect when he came in because I wasn't able to look at his chart until this morning. Nothing too crazy though! He's been coming to the clinic for a very long time. His chart is thick!! Since I didn't know what I was up against as far as x-rays and dent I had no idea how far I would get today. I didn't need to do x-rays, which was nice!
I got all the way to scaling today, which is such good news!! I didn't think that would ever be possible! He had a lot of restorations to chart too. I feel very good about how far I got today. We spent a lot of time on OHI and I did pretty well with my probe depths, dent, and perio.
Stuff I learned.... it is good to get out of the norm. He has been in a lot and I'm sure he has had "c-shaped" flossing crammed into his head a million times. He still isn't flossing though. So I flossed all his teeth and explained what I was doing, but instead of having him demonstrate the flossing technique to me, I gave him the easy flosser things for him to try out. He really liked it and I think that he'll be more inclined to floss with those. So hopefully that will be a help for him!
I don't know what else I learned. I feel good though! I hope to finish him on Monday!!
I didn't know what to expect when he came in because I wasn't able to look at his chart until this morning. Nothing too crazy though! He's been coming to the clinic for a very long time. His chart is thick!! Since I didn't know what I was up against as far as x-rays and dent I had no idea how far I would get today. I didn't need to do x-rays, which was nice!
I got all the way to scaling today, which is such good news!! I didn't think that would ever be possible! He had a lot of restorations to chart too. I feel very good about how far I got today. We spent a lot of time on OHI and I did pretty well with my probe depths, dent, and perio.
Stuff I learned.... it is good to get out of the norm. He has been in a lot and I'm sure he has had "c-shaped" flossing crammed into his head a million times. He still isn't flossing though. So I flossed all his teeth and explained what I was doing, but instead of having him demonstrate the flossing technique to me, I gave him the easy flosser things for him to try out. He really liked it and I think that he'll be more inclined to floss with those. So hopefully that will be a help for him!
I don't know what else I learned. I feel good though! I hope to finish him on Monday!!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Finished with my father
Hey!! Today wasn't so bad. I only had one more quad to go on my dad and then I finished him up and sent him on his way with fluoride on his teeth.
My goal was to get my dad finished and out of here early. I do not need the full 3 hours to scale one quad, polish, and fluoride. I made my goal!! I got him out of here at 2:30. I hate that he had to come back 4 times!!! I am feeling more confident everyday though. I can't say I'm comfortable with everything, but it is getting easier.
This time I did OHI quicker because I didn't brush, I only flossed and then got the rest of the color off by scaling and polishing.
It feels so good to him him finished!!!
Today I tried to be more confident with the work that I was doing instead of taking forever in one area being unsure if I got everything.
This stresses the heck out of me.... but truth be told, I really like it!!
My goal was to get my dad finished and out of here early. I do not need the full 3 hours to scale one quad, polish, and fluoride. I made my goal!! I got him out of here at 2:30. I hate that he had to come back 4 times!!! I am feeling more confident everyday though. I can't say I'm comfortable with everything, but it is getting easier.
This time I did OHI quicker because I didn't brush, I only flossed and then got the rest of the color off by scaling and polishing.
It feels so good to him him finished!!!
Today I tried to be more confident with the work that I was doing instead of taking forever in one area being unsure if I got everything.
This stresses the heck out of me.... but truth be told, I really like it!!
Monday, January 31, 2011
First post of the new year!
Gee wiz! I always forget to blog!! I think I leave clinic so drained mentally that I totally space blogging and telling about my experiences!
So far I have seen my mom, Hali, dad, and Irma. My mom is the only one that I have finished so far. I am trying to get the hang of things. I think something that I need to remember is to have confidence in what I am doing. I don't know a ton... but I know enough.
Let me tell you of my struggles as of right now and maybe when I look back on this in a few months I can check off that I have mastered my struggles.
1. Probing sucks! Visualization is rough with that!
2. Marginal redness... very very rarely see it, even when it is pointed out to me.
3. Perio statement! Rough!
4. How the heck do you do a horizontal stroke in the LR quad?
5. My hands get fatigued!
6. I lack the grace that seasoned RDH's have. I am so jealous of that! I tell my hands what to do and they just can't figure it out!
7. Boneloss on radiographs.... can't figure that out either.
8. S-L-O-W I am so darn slow!! I feel like a dork!
9. I am constantly rolling around in my chair trying to figure out how to visualize everything.
10. I've got back posture!! I think I bend over a lot!
11. My mind is way too full to even think about figuring out TalEval.
12. Fulcruming is difficult too. Now that I am removing calculus it is imperative to have a good fulcrum in order to get enough pressure. I need to work on fulcruming.
I will stop with the negativity now. Sorry to be a downer!! It may not seem like it from this post, but I am loving school this semester!! Clinic is so so darn cool!! Super rough and stressful, but so fun!!
The end for today.
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